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一则广告突破“There be ...”结构

一则广告突破“There be ...”结构

 【疯狂讲解】 “There be..."结构是英语中一种最基本、最常用的句型结构,用于描述事物的各种状态,谓语动词”be“有各种时态的变化。以下是一则发表在论坛上的广告帖子,涉及"There be..."结构的各种常用时态,还有"There be..." 习惯表达句型,值得你反复操练!在日常口语和写作中不知不觉地卖弄出去!

 【正文】 Eating out? Try Jason`s! 外出就餐?到杰森来吧! There`s a new restaurant in town! It`s called Jason`s . I ate there last night, and there were many people there. In fact, there weren`t any empty tables. There`s a good reason for that — the food is great! The menu is small, but there are always many"Specials".Last night there was grilled mushroom pizza, and it was delicious. What`s more, there will be new dishes available in the following days. Try Jason`s, and bring the whole family. There is no special children`s menu at Jason`s ,but there has always been something for everyone. Try it ! 48 Park Place , 555-2163

【参考译文】 城中开了一家叫杰森的餐馆!我昨晚去那儿吃过,有好多的人。事实上,哪里座无虚席。原因很简单—那里的食物很美味!款式虽然不多,但是经常有“特色菜”。昨天晚上的特色菜是烤蘑菇比萨饼,真是太美味了。还有就是,这几天都会推出新款菜式。快来杰森尝尝吧,把全家人都带上。哪里虽然没有儿童特餐,担忧适合每一个人口味的菜式。快来试试吧!公园广场48号,电话:555-2163
