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一、 冠词与所修饰名词间的呼应

1. 不定冠词a/an表示“一个,一部分”,与之匹配的是名词的单数形式,不管a/an与它所修饰的名词之间有多少个限定成分,都要遵循这一规则

1) A significant proportions [A] of the plants and animals of [B] Hawaii exists nowhere else [C] in the world [D] .

2) The discovery [A] of kerosene and the invention of a glass [B] chimney made possible [C] a greatly improved lamps [D] .

3) Jim Thorpe, a football [A] ,track,and baseball stars [B] from Pennsylvania,is considered by many [C] to be the greatest [D] allround athlete of modern times.

2. “冠词+表示单概的名词+介词短语或从句(不管介词短语或从句中的名词是单数名词还是复数名词)”,主句的谓语动词都要用单数形式

4) A typical [A] farm in the [B] midwestern United States cover [C] about three hundred acres of fertile [D] prairie land.

5) The Petrified Forest of eastern Arizona are [A] made up of tree trunks [B] that were buried in mud,sand,or volcanic ash ages ago [C] and have turned to stone [D] .

6) Many [A] of the population in the rural areas [B] is composed [C] of manual laborers [D] .

二、 数词与修饰名词间的呼应

1. 可数名词要么与冠词连用,要么用其复数形式,一般不单独使用

7) Thomas Jefferson skillfully [A] organized his [B] supporter [C] in congress into a strong [D] political group.

2. 表示“一”的数词作定语时,用可数名词单数;表示“一”以上的数词作定语时,可数名词用其复数

8) If [A] [KG2] laid out [B] in a straight line,the human digestive tract(消化道) would measure [C] approximately thirty foot in length [D] .

9) Edna Ferber told [A] the story [B] of her life [C] in two book [D] .

10) Sea turtles date back 100 million year [A] and are the only ancient [B] sea reptiles to survive [C] to the present [D] day.

3. 序数词作定语时,名词用单数形式。这时序数词前常加定冠词the

11) Sodium(钠) is [A] the six [B] most abundant [C] element in [D] the earth’s crust.

12) First incorporated [A] in 1871,Dallas,Texas, had become [B] the seventh [C] largest cities [D] in the United States by 1976.

4. “一以上的基数词+连字符+表示时间(大小、长度、距离、高度等)的名词(+old)作定语”时,名词用单数形式

13 Like [A] some other running [B] birds,the gander(雄鹅) lacks [C] a back toe and has a threetoed feet [D] .

5. much和much of后接不可数名词,而many和many of后接可数名词的复数

14) Food seasoning plays an important [A] role in the cooking [B] customs of much [C] cultures in [D] the world.

15) The bluegrass country [A] around Lexington, Kentucky is [B] the home of much of [C] the world's [D] finest race horses.

6. 表示度和量的词后面有的接可数名词,有的接不可数名词。接可数的名词有:a range of+复数名词,a series of+复数名词, a variety of +复数名词或不可数名词,a number of+复数名词等;可接不可数名词有:an amount of+不可数名词等

16) Two waterfalls within [A] the city limits supply [B] Rochester,New York,with an enormous [C] number [D] of electric power.

17) A wide [A] range of disorder [B] can affect the human [C] muscular [D] system.

18) Institutions [A] of higher learning get [B] their funds from a variety [C] of source [D] .

7. half of +复数名词,其谓语用复数形式(但half+表示程度大小的词用不可数修饰,如as much as half a meter)

19) Nearly [A] half of the ancient [B] meteor(流星) craters(陨石坑) has been [C] found in central and eastern [D] Canada.

20) At [A] birth,an infant exhibits [B] a remarkable [C] number of motor response [D] .


1. 不定代词与名词的一致 不定代词another修饰可数名词单数,而other则修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词

21) White spots in [A] a person’s fingernail are caused by [B] bruises or [C] other minor injury [D] .

22) Mineral prospectors use [A] their knowledge [B] of geophysics to locate [C] deposits of oil,uranium(铀), and another [D] valuable minerals.

23) “Cool Jazz” emerged when [A] tenor saxophonist Lester Young, guitarist [B] Charlie Christran,and another [C] musicians made major changes [D] in jazz improvisation.

2. 不定代词much, (a) little, less, least, a great deal/amount of修饰不可数名词; many, (a) few, both则修饰可数名词的复数形式, a great variety of后面接可数名词或不可数名词均可, every, each, one, none则修饰单数名词;all可修饰可数和不可数名词,但修饰可数名词时须用复数

24) At one time [A] many person [B] believed [C] that some forked twigs had supernatural powers [D] .

25) The general sales tax has been [A] a major source of income for state governments, much [B] of which derive more than half [C] of their [D] budgets from it.

26) Electing [A] honest and competent individuals to public office [B] is really [C] the responsibility of every peoples [D] in a democratic society.

3. 人称代词与名词的呼应 人称代词I(me), he(him), she(her), it都是代替前边的单数名词,而they(them), we(us)则是代表复数的,you既可代表单数,也可代表复数,但表示泛指的时候,我们汉语用“我们”来表示,而英语则用“he”或“one”来表示。

27) The leaves of the red maple(槭树) are highly [A] poisonous to horses and when ingested [B] can kill [C] it [D] within fifteen hours.

28) The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides [A] the waters [B] flowing into [C] the Atlantic Ocean from it [D] flowing into the Pacific.

29) Mahogany(桃花心木) is often considered [A] the finest cabinet wood [B] because they [C] has most of the qualities desired [D] for furniture making.

4. 物主代词与名词的呼应 my, our, his, her, its, their要与代替的名词在数上一致

30) The welfare department, as well as the other social services, will have budget cut.

[A] their
[B] his
[C] its
[D] our

31) Women have always [A] worked in the United States,and hers [B] work has been [C] indispensable in the expansion [D] of American industry.

32) Dolphins are warmblooded; that is, its [A] body temperature always stays [B] about the same, regardless [C] of the surroundings [D] .

5. 反身代词与其所代成分间的呼应

33) Behavior modification techniques work [A] best [B] with problems that manifest itself [C] in overt(公开的,明显的) actions [D] .

34) Since the beginning of recorded history humans have been known [A] to seek [B] good health and the means to [C] cure itself [D] of illness.

6. 指示代词与所代名词间的呼应 this和that指代单数名词或不可数名词,而one只指代可数名词单数。these、those和ones指代复数名词(而且those还可作先行词,可以有定语从句,those表示“那些人”)。one…another表示“一个……另一个”;the other表示两者中的另一个;the others表示一个整体中的“另外一些”。one和those后边还可以跟who引导的定语从句,one代替名词单数,those代替名词复数

35) She invited all who had been in her class last term.

[A] that
[B] those
[C] one
[D] ones

36) These [A] problem had to be [B] solved,so he had to work [C] overtime for five consecutive [D] days.

37) An internationally famous ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员) [A] , Maria Tallchiaf demonstrated [B] that the quality of ballet in the United States could equal those [C] of the ballet in Europe [D] .


1) A错。应改为单数名词proportion,因前面有不定冠词“a”。

2) D错。改为lamp。

3) B错。应用单数名词star,因为前面有冠词“a”,尽管它被几个词所修饰,但仍要用单数。

4) C错。本句的主语是“a typical farm”,属于单数第三人称,而本句的谓语动词是cover(占地),所以应改为与主语相对应的动词形式covers。

5) A错。应改用is,因为主语为单数第三人称“the Petrified Forest”(石化林)。

6) A错。谓语是“is”,与之相呼应的须是单数名词或不可数名词,所以应将many改为much。

7) C错。根据上下文,supporter(支持者)应用复数supporters。

8) D错。应把foot(英尺)改为复数形式feet,因前面有数词thirty。

9) D错。应改为books,因前面有数词two,故名词应用复数形式。

10) A错。应改为复数名词years,因前面有数词100 million。

11) B错。six显然不能和单数名词element(元素)连用,故应将其改为sixth(第6个)。

12) D错。cities是复数名词,而前边的限定词为the seventh largest(第7个最大的),所以应改为单数city。

13) D错。feet(脚)是名词的复数形式(单数为foot),但因为它的前面有只修饰单数可数名词的冠词a,所以应把feet改为foot。

14) C错。much只能修饰不可数名词,修饰复数名词时应用many。

15) C错。不定代词much(许多)只能和不可数名词连用,与可数名词连用时应用many。本句中C处所指代的应是race horses(赛马),故应将much改为many。

16) D错。(electric)power(电力)是不可数名词,而其前面的修饰语“a (enormous) number of ”(许多的,若干)只能修饰可数名词,故应将number改为amount。

17) B错。disorder(疾病,不适)是单数名词,这与其前面的修饰语“a wide range of ”(广泛的,大量的)显然冲突,故应改为disorders。

18) D错。source(来源)是可数名词,其前面的限定词为“a variety of ”(种种,许多种),所以应改用复数sources 以便和限定词在数上一致。

19) C错。应改为have been。“half (of) + 复数名词”作主语时,应将其视为复数第三人称。

20) D错。response(反应)是单数可数名词,而其前面表数目的限定词“a number of”(许多、一些)只能修饰可数名词的复数形式,故应将response改为responses。

21) D错。other(其余的)是不定代词,和可数名词的复数形式连用,所以应将injury(伤)改为复数injuries。

22) D错。another(另一个)是不定代词,它只和单数可数名词连用。

23) C错。another只修饰单数可数名词,故应改为other。

24) B错。改为persons。

25) B错。此处指代可数名词governments,应将much改为many。

26) D错。peoples前面的不定代词every(每一个)只能修饰单数可数名词,而people(人、人们)是一个集体名词,表示两个或两个以上的“人”,如果它表示单数则意为“民族”,在表示此意时可以有复数形式peoples,所以应把peoples改为person或man,这样才能使修饰词与被修饰词之间一致。

27) D错。应把it改为them,因为此处所指代的是“the horses”。

28) D错。此处所指代的应是名词“the waters”(河流),因其是复数名词,故代词也应用复数,应把it改为those。

29) C错。应改为it,因为此处所指代的是名词单数mahogany。

30) C为正确答案。

31) B错。应改为their(她们的),因为这里所指代的是“women”(复数),hers是名词性物主代词(她的),在本句中既不可修饰work,也不合逻辑。

32) A错。应改用their,因为此处所代替的是复数名词dolphins。

33) C错。应改为themselves,因为此处所指代的是复数名词problems。

34) D错。应改为themselves,此处所指代的成分为复数名词humans。

35) B为正确答案。

36) A错。problem为单数,故应将these改为this。

37) C错。此处所指代的为“the quality of ballet” ,故应用单数指示代词that。

II 主语和谓语间的呼应


1. 名词单数


插入语,如together with…[JB)}] 由于主语是单数名词,其谓语也要用单数形式

1) The replacement of shops such as the grocer's and chemist's by cafés the housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping.

[A] leave
[B] has left
[C] have left
[D] be leaving

2) The most significant [A] cosmological characteristic of the galaxies are [B] the red shift in [C] their optical [D] spectra.

3) The first libraries [A] in the North American colonies [B] was established [C] in Massachusetts in the year [D] 1638.

2. 动词不定式、ING或分句作主语,其谓语动词用单数形式

4) Ensuring an adequate [A] water supply have been [B] a concern ever since [C] people began to live [D] in towns and cities.

5) Transforming [A] raw materials into [B] useful products are [C] called manufacturing [D] .

3. 抽象名词作主语或单数可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式

6) The recession of the [A] 1970’s underscore(加深) [B] some of the basic [C] problems of contemporary [D] American society.

7) The standards [A] on which the metric system are based [B] have been found [C] to be slightly inaccurate [D] .

4. 主语前由“each, every, no”等词修饰或“neither, each”作主语时,采用单数动词[注意:“many a(an, another) + 单数名词”作主语时虽然表示复数的概念但其谓语动词也要用单数形式]

Many a man hopes for better days. 很多人希望过好日子。/Many another student makes the same mistakes. 好多学生犯同样的错误。/No teacher and student was present. 老师和学生都没到。/Neither of the policemen is innocent. 两名警察都无罪。

5. 表示时间、距离和钱额等复数名词表示一个整体概念时,谓语动词用单数形式

Ten years is a long time to wait. 十年时间太长了。/ Five thousand dollars is not enough to me. 五千美金对我来说不够。

6. 以ics结尾的复数名词指一门学科,如politics(政治学), mathematics(数学), mumps(腮腺炎), statistics(统计学), acoustics(会计学), linguistics(语言学)等,谓语动词用单数形式
8) Mumps(流行性腮腺炎) are [A] a very common disease [B] which [C] usually [D] affects children.

7. 主语为“单数名词 + with(as well as, together with, along with, accompanied by, including, except, but, besides)等短语的,动词与前面的主语保持一致,即谓语动词用单数
John, together with his wife and children, has moved to Chicago. 约翰和他的妻子及孩子们搬到芝加哥去了。/This text, including the other two, is a bit difficult. 这一课和其他两课都有点难。/Wang Lin, and perhaps Zhang Hai, sings very well. 王林,可能还有张海,唱得很好。

8. one of(a pair of, a part of) + 复数名词,其谓语用单数名词

9) John Dewey is generally considered [A] one of the greatest [B] modern educational [C] philosopher [D] .

10) One of the wildest [A] and most inaccessible [B] parts of the United States are [C] the Everglades(美国佛罗里达州南部大沼泽地) where wildlife is abundant and largely [D] protected.

11) Rudolph Nureyev has become [A] one of the greatest [B] dancer [C] that the ballet world has ever known [D] .

9. neither+不带冠词、物主代词或指示代词的单数名词,谓语用单数;neither of+复数名词,谓语动词用单数(在非正式场合用动词复数)

Neihter car is exactly what I want.

Neither of these cars is exactly what I want.

10. percent表示抽象概念,即使后面接复数名词,其谓语也要用单数

二、 谓语用复数的情况

1. 主语是表示复数的名词或代词时,谓语动词用相应的动词复数形式

12) Metropolitan area [A] have increased [B] in the majority [C] of countries [D] .

13) Doctor [A] are discovering that there is a strong [B] psychological [C] component to chronic(慢性的) [D] pain.

14) Bookkeepers maintains [A] detailed [B] records of [C] business transactions. [D] .

2. 从句中的谓语动词应和从句中主语呼应

15) A rocket burns [A] propellant(火箭燃料,推进剂) rapidly and most rockets carry [B] a supply [C] that last [D] just a few seconds.

16) Elizabeth Blackwell,the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded [A] the New York Infirmary, an institution [B] that have always had [C] a completely female medical staff [D] .

17) Each lichen(地衣) consists [A] of an alga and a fungus that lives [B] together in a kind [C] of plant [D] partnership.

3. 名词复数+介词短语


+of+单数名词[JB)}] 由于主语是复数名词,其谓语动词要用复数形式

18) The novels of John Cheever belongs [A] to a literary [B] tradition that is concerned [C] primarily [D] with manners.

19) Many people who [A] live in New York City thinks [B] that life [C] in a large city offers [D] special advantages.

20) Flower [A] have long been cultivated [B] and bred for their beauty [C] and their fragrance [D] .


由and, or, but, than, both…and, either…or, rather than 等对等连接词连接起来的成分彼此间在形式上应力求保持一致。具体有以下几个方面

1. 数的平行:对等连词接连起的名词在单复数形式上通常一致,and和both…and连接两个单数名词,谓语动词用复数形式,either…or连接两个单数名词,谓语动词用单数形式

21) Dictionaries may be used to answer question [A] , to solve [B] problems, or to obtain [C] information [D] .

22) Both the male and the female working in the field.

[A] be
[B] are
[C] is
[D] bieng

2. 时态的平行: 在同一时间背景下,对等连词所连接的动词应采用一致的时态

23) A line segment, which is part of a straight line, begins at one point at another.

[A] ending
[B] by ending
[C] the end is
[D] and ends

24) Gravity not only causes bodies to fall their speed.

[A] and to increase
[C] and increases
[B] but also increase
[D] but also increases

25) Nearly all trees have seeds that fall to the earth, take root, and eventually .

[A] generate new seeds
[B] new seeds generated
[C] by generating new seeds
[D] new seeds generated there

另外,我们还要注意,两个分句之间的代词与名词、助动词与实义动词之间的代替,如:I rely on the system to fix itself, which it usually does with no help from me beyond crossing my fingers. 我以靠系统来修复系统本身,除了用几下手指之外,不需要我的其它帮助,系统经常这样修复自己。

3. 对等连词所连接的各成分应在词性和形式上的呼应

26) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .

[A] ours
[B] with us
[C] for ours it had
[D] it did for us

27) Methods of flood control focus on preventing rivers from rising and .

[A] keep them within their banks
[B] to keep them within their banks
[C] keeping them within their banks
[D] being kept them within their banks

28) Both dogs and cats have [A] a keen [B] sense [C] of smell, sight, and tasting [D] .

4. 排列位置的平行,对等连词前后成分的位置应呼应

29) A widespread species, roundworms even thrive on the peaks of mountains and .

[A] at the bottoms of the oceans
[B] there are the bottoms of the oceans
[C] the bottoms of the oceans do
[D] which the bottoms of the oceans

30) My cousin composes not only [A] the music, but [B] also sings the songs for [C] major [D] Broadway musicals.


1. “a number of +复数名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“the number of+复数名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式

31 The number of time A an object is magnified by [B] a telescope can be determined [C] by someone who knows [D] the focal length of the objective lens and of the eyepiece.

2. “an average(total) of +复数名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“the average(total) of+复数名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式

3. “a lot(mass, heap等) of +复数名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“a lot(mass, heap等) of+不可数名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式

4. “these(those) kinds of +名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“this(that)kind(sort) of+名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式

5. “what kinds of +单数名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“what kind of +单数名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式

6. “the rest of +复数名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“the rest of+单数(不可数)名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式

7. “分数+of +复数名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“分数+ of+单数(不可数)名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式

8. “most of +复数名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“most of+单数(不可数)名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式

9. “plenty of +复数名词”作主语谓语动词用复数形式

“plenty of+单数(不可数)名词”作主语谓语动词须用单数形式


1) B为正确答案。

2) B错。本句的主语为characteristic(特点),“of the galaxies”是其定语,所以谓语动词也应改为第三人称单数形式is。

3) A错。应改用单数library,以便和后面的谓语动词“was”在数上一致。

4) B错。应用has been。本句中的主语是“ensuring…supply”,它表示的是一个抽象的概念或现象,可以用代词it来代替,故其谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。

5) C错。改为“is”。

6) B错。本句主语为recession(单数),故应将B处的谓语动词改用第三人称单数underscores。

7) B错。本句为一个定语从句,从句中的主语为system,所以谓语动词应改为is based。

8) A错。改为is。

9) D错。应改用复数philosophers,因为“one of …”是“其中之一”的意思,所以“one of ”之后须用复数形式。

10) C错。本句的主语应是one(单数),其后的“of the … States”是介词短语修饰one,故其谓语动词应用单数第三人称形式,即改用is。

11) C错。“one of”之后应用复数名词,故应将dancer改为dancers。

12) A错。应改用复数areas,以便和have(谓语动词)呼应。

13) A错。改为Doctors。

14) A错。改为maintain。

15) D错。本句是一个由“that”引导的定语从句,修饰先行词supply(单数),从句中的谓语动词为last(延续、持续),主语为that(代supply),故根据主谓一致的原则,应将last改为lasts。

16) C错。由于that引导的非限定性定语从句中的主语为an institution(一个机构),故应将have改为has。

17) B错。本句是一个定语从句,从句中的主语that代替“an alga and a fungas”,故谓语动词应用live。

18) A错。本句的主语为the novels(复数), 故谓语动词应用belong,“of John Cheever”是介词短语,作the novels 的定语。

19) B错。应改为think。本句的主语是people(集体名词),“who…city”是定语从句修饰people。

20) A错。改为flowers。

21) A错,改为answer questions。 本句的平行成分为三个不定式短语,既然 problems 用了复数,question 也应用复数,但后面的information 为不可数名词。

22) B为正确答案。

23) D为正确答案。

24) D为正确答案。

25) A为正确答案。

26) D为正确答案。

27) C为正确答案。

28) D错,改为taste。

29) A为正确答案。

30) A错,改为 not only composes。

31) A错。number是“数目”,“the number of”后面应接复数可数名词,time(次数)在此为可数名词,应改为“the number of times”。



A writer and educator has visited our school.一位作家兼教育学家参观了我们的学校。/Bread and butter is nutritious. 面包黄油很有营养。/Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. 早睡早起使人健康。

二、在“名(代)词+or(nor, not only…but also等)+名(代)词”结构后的动词一般与or后的名(代)词呼应

Not only he but also I am surprised./One or two days are enough to see the city. /Either I or he is in the wrong. /Are you or he to blame?
