美式发音 适合背诵
Paper Boats 纸船
DAY by day I float my paper boats one by one down the running stream.
In big black letters I write my name on them and the name of the village where I live.
I hope that someone in some strange land will find them and know who I am.
I load my little boats with 1)shiuli flowers from our garden, and hope that these blooms of the dawn will be carried safely to land in the night.
I launch my paper boats and look up into the sky and see the little clouds setting their white 2)bulging sails.
I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boats!
When night comes I bury my face in my arms and dream that my paper boats float on and on under the midnight stars.
The fairies of sleep are sailing in them, and the 3)lading is their baskets full of dreams.
The First Jasmines 第一次的茉莉
AH, these jasmines, these white jasmines!
I seem to remember the first day when I filled my hands with these jasmines, these white jasmines.
I have loved the sunlight, the sky and the green earth;
I have heard the liquid murmur of the river through the darkness of midnight;
Autumn sunsets have come to me at the bend of a road in the lonely waste, like a bride raising her veil to accept her lover.
Yet my memory is still sweet with the first white jasmines that
I held in my hand when I was a child.
Many a glad day has come in my life, and I have laughed with 4)merrymakers on festival nights.
On grey mornings of rain I have 5)crooned many an idle song.
I have worn round my neck the evening wreath of 6)bakulas woven by the hand of love.
Yet my heart is sweet with the memory of the first fresh jasmines that filled my hands when I was a child.
赏析 有人说:成长是一种痛。当时间的消逝如奔鹿之过隙,鬓角的沧桑越发浓烈,这种切肤之痛来得尤为真切。儿时的你我,一只纸船就能承载最纯的梦想,一捧茉莉即可化作最美的回忆。童年是每个人的天堂,一花一草,一树一木,雨露阳光,都是喜怒哀乐的理由。如果真的可以选择,或许多数人都会选择活在诗中,不想长大……
泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore,1861—1941),印度著名诗人、诺贝尔文学奖得主、艺术家和社会活动家。他出生于印度一个贵族家庭,从小就受到艺术熏陶,8岁开始写诗,12岁开始写剧本,14岁开始发表作品。
泰戈尔文艺成就斐然,作品包括50多部诗集、12部中长篇小说、100余篇短篇小说、200多个剧本、1500多幅画、2000多首歌曲等。其中诗集《吉檀迦利》(Gitanjali,1910)、《新月集》(The Crescent Moon,1913)、《飞鸟集》(Stray Birds,1916)等一直深受全世界人民的喜爱。