Endless Love 无尽的爱
My love, 我的爱,
There's 1)only you in my life 你是我的唯一,
The only thing that's bright 我生命中唯一的亮点。
My first love, 我最初的爱,
You're every 2)breath that I take 我的每一次呼吸,
You're every 3)step I make 我走的每一步路,都有你的影子。
And I 我,
I want to 4)share 我想和你分享,
All my love with you 我全部的爱。
No one else will do... 没有其他人能做到。
And your eyes 你的眼神,
Your eyes, your eyes 你的眼神,你的眼神,
They tell me how much you care 告诉我你是多么在乎我。
Ooh yes, you will always be 噢,是的,
My endless love 爱你永无止境。
Two hearts, 两颗心,
Two hearts that 5)beat as one 两颗心合二为一,
Our lives have just begun 我们的生活才刚刚开始。
Forever 永永远远
I'll hold you close in my arms 我紧拥你在怀中,
I can't resist your charms 无法抵挡你的魅力。
And love 爱情,
Oh, love 噢,爱情
6)I'll be a fool 我会变成一个傻瓜,
For you, 为你。
I'm sure 是的,我确定。
You know I don't mind 但你知道我不会介意,
Oh, you know I don't mind 噢,你知道我不会介意。
'cause you, 因为,
You mean the world to me 你对我而言就是全世界。
I know 我知道,
I know 我知道,
I've 7)found in you 在你身上,
My endless love 我找到了无尽的爱。
And love 爱情,
Oh, love 噢,爱情
6)I'll be a fool 我会变成一个傻瓜,
For you, 为你。
I'm sure 是的,我确定。
You know I don't mind 但你知道我不会介意,
Oh, you know I don't mind 噢,你知道我不会介意。
And, yes 是的。
You'll be the only one 你就是那唯一,
'cause no one can deny 因为没有人能否认,
8)This love I have inside 我要给你
And I'll give it all to you 我全部的爱。
My love 我的爱,
My love, my love 我的爱,我的爱,
My endless love 我无尽的爱。
After leaving the Commodores, Lionel Richie became one of the most successful male solo artists of the '80s, arguably eclipsed during his 1981-1987 heyday only by Michael Jackson and Prince.
Richie dominated the pop charts during that period with an incredible run of 13 consecutive Top Ten hits, five of them number ones. As his popularity skyrocketed, Richie moved farther away from his R&B origins and concentrated more on adult contemporary balladry, which had been one of his strengths even as part of the Commodores. After 1987, Richie fell silent, taking an extended break from recording and touring before beginning a comeback toward the tail end of the '90s.
Lionel Brockman Richie, Jr. was born on June 20, 1949 in Tuskegee, AL, and grew up on the campus of the Tuskegee Institute, where most of his family had worked for two generations prior. While attending college there, Richie joined the Commodores, who went on to become the most successful act on the Motown label during the latter half of the '70s. Richie served as a saxophonist, sometime vocalist, and songwriter, penning ballads like "Easy," "Three Times a Lady," and "Still" (the latter two became the group's only number one pop hits). Although the Commodores maintained a democratic band structure through most of their chart run, things began to change when the '70s became the '80s. In 1980, Richie wrote and produced country-pop singer Kenny Rogers' across-the-board number one smash "Lady," and the following year, Richie's duet with Diana Ross, "Endless Love" (recorded for the Brooke Shields film of the same title), became the most successful single in Motown history, topping the charts for a stunning nine weeks.
Richie immediately set about recording his solo debut for Motown. Titled simply Lionel Richie, the album was released in late 1982 and was an immediate smash, reaching number three on the pop charts on its way to sales of over four million copies. It spun off three Top Five pop hits, including the first single "Truly," which became Richie's first solo number one. If Lionel Richie made its creator a star, the follow-up Can't Slow Down made him a superstar. Boasting live Top Ten singles, including the number ones "All Night Long (All Night)" and "Hello," Can't Slow Down hit number one, eventually sold over ten million copies, and won the 1984 Grammy for Album of the Year. Such was Richie's stature that he was invited to perform at the closing ceremonies of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, a spectacular stage event that was broadcast worldwide.
In 1985, Richie put his superstar status to work for a greater good, joining Michael Jackson in co-writing the USA for Africa charity single "We Are the World"; the all-star recording helped raise millions of dollars for famine relief. By the end of the year, he was on top of the charts again with "Say You, Say Me."
Lionel Richie被认为是当今流行乐坛的顶级歌手。他连续9年共有9首歌曲名列排行榜榜首,创造了流行音乐史上的一个奇迹。作为舰队司令乐队的主唱,Lionel Richie早在70年代初期就已被歌迷所关注。1982年,Lionel Richie开始了他的独唱事业,并且从那时起夺得了多项大奖,包括三项格莱美奖,七项美国音乐奖。1986年,他为电影《白夜》(White Night)创作并演唱的插曲《说你说我》(Say You Say Me)荣获了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。他的首张个人专辑《真》(Truly)使他赢得了1983年度的格莱美奖。他的一系列热门曲目,包括1983年推出的《一整夜》(All Night Long)及1987年的《在天花板上跳舞》(Dancing on the Ceiling)、《无尽的爱》(Endless Love)等创造了商业音乐的不少纪录。其中最负盛名的就是与迈克尔·杰克逊合作创作的、为救援埃塞俄比亚难民而录制的《四海一家》(We are the World)。
As a solo artist, Diana Ross is one of the most successful female singers of the rock era. If you factor in her work as the lead singer of the Supremes in the 1960s, she may be the most successful.
With her friends Mary Wilson, Florence Ballard, and Barbara Martin, Ross formed the Primettes vocal quartet in 1959. In 1960, they were signed to local Motown Records, changing their name tothe Supremes in 1961. Martin then left, and the group continued as a trio. Over the next eight years, the Supremes scored 12 number one pop hits. After the last one, "Someday We'll Be Together" in October 1969, Ross launched a solo career.
Motown initially paired her with writer/producers Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson, who gave her four Top 40 pop hits, including the number one "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" (July 1970).
Ross branched out into acting, starring in a film biography of Billie Holiday, Lady Sings the Blues. The soundtrack went to number one, and Ross was nominated for an Academy Award.
Ross scored a third Top Ten hit in 1980 singing the title theme from the movie It's My Turn. She then scored the biggest hit of her career with another movie theme, duetting with Lionel Richie on "Endless Love" in June 1981. It was her last big hit on Motown.
黛安娜·罗斯(Diana Ross) 1944年3 月26日出生于美国底特律的一个黑人家庭。Diana Ross从小迷恋音乐。在读高中时,她与好友玛丽·威乐逊、佛罗伦丝·巴拉德组成一个演唱小组“普罗姆斯”。高中毕业后,这个演唱组合更名为“至高无上”演唱组, Diana担任领唱歌手,她显得格外出众:首先是漂亮迷人的容貌、再者是她天生的亮丽高亢的嗓音,尤其是高音部分,蕴含着深深的绝望感。1970年,“至高无上”的最后一首冠军歌曲《将来我们会相聚》宣告了这一组合的正式解散,Diana 开始独闯乐坛。
从1970年到1971年初,Diana的几张唱片不尽如人意,她的音乐生涯似乎开始滑坡。但是,不久,她在歌影双栖的领域中向人们证明了她的不断进步。1971年,Diana 在电影《布鲁斯歌女》中成功地扮演了比利·霍丽戴,这使她成为了一位单纯靠音乐无法造就的双栖明星。到目前为止,Diana一共拥有18首冠军单曲,成为拥有冠军歌曲最多的女歌手。
1. 这首Endless Love也出现在Friends《六人行》第三季第八集当中,在这一集的结尾,Chandler和Phoebe合唱了这首歌。在There's only you in my life这句歌词当中only是一个副词,表示“只,仅仅”,比如说,Only members can use the bar. 只有会员才能使用酒吧。We can only guess what's happening. 我们只能猜测发生了什么事情。但是在The only thing that's bright这句歌词当中,only却是一个形容词,表示“唯一的,仅有的”,比如说,He's the only person able to do that. 他是唯一一个能做那件事情的人。Her only answer was a nod. 她只点了一下头就算是回答了。在口语中,only经常表示“最值得考虑的,最好的”,我们来举几个例子,She's the only woman for the job. 她是最适合这个工作的人。He says France is the only place to go for a holiday. 他说法国是度假的最佳去处。
2. take a breath,表示“呼吸”。
3. make a step,表示“向前迈步”。那如果是take steps to do something就表示“采取步骤以达到某目的”,比如说,The government is taking steps to control the rising crime rate. 政府正采取措施,控制不断上升的犯罪率。还有很多关于step的词组,比如说这个mind/watch one's step,可以表示“小心地行走”,还可以表示“谨慎地做事或者行动”,比如说,You'll be in trouble if you don't watch your step. 如果你不小心行事,你会惹麻烦的。
4. share something with sb,这个词组表示“跟某人共享某物”,比如说,He would share his last dollar with me. 他要是剩下最后一块钱也会跟我分着用。share something with sb还可以表示“跟某人在某方面有共同点”,例如,He shares my fears about a possible war. 他跟我一样害怕可能发生的战争。这个词组还可以表示“将某事告诉某人”,She won't share her secrets with us. 她不会跟我们分享她的秘密的。
5. 心脏跳动用beat这个词,比如说,He's alive---his heart is still beating. 他还活着,还有心跳。heart beat 表示心跳,I can almost feel his heart beat. 意思就是“我几乎可以感觉到他的心跳。”
6.如果把这句歌词整合一下就是You know I don't mind becoming a fool for you and I'm sure about that. 这样大家就比较好理解了。
7. find something in sb,表示“在某人身上发现某种品质或感觉”,比如说,You can never find honesty in him. 你在他身上永远不可能发现诚实这种品质。
8. This love I have inside,And I'll give it all to you 我要给你我全部的爱。两句合起来就是I'll give all the love I have inside to you。