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22 Career Choices 职业选择(合集)


"Rock-a-bye, baby, on the tree top, “摇呀摇,小宝宝,在树顶,
When the wind blows, 风儿轻轻吹,
The cradle will rock. 摇篮跟着晃。
When the bough breaks, 树枝若折断,
The cradle will fall, 摇篮会掉落,
And down will come baby, 宝宝跌下来,
Cradle and all." 摇篮一道摔。”
Hi, Marilyn, 嗨,Marilyn。
What are you doing? 你在做什么?
Just sketching. 只是画些草图。
I've been thinking a lot about our responsibilities 我对于我们的职责想了很久
in the past few weeks. 在最近几个星期。
I never stop thinking about them. 我一直在思考这些问题从未间断。
I've been wrestling 我一直左思右想
with the question of whether I go back to work or not. 为我是否回去工作这个问题。
I see. 这一下我明白了。
And I'm torn. 但我不知如何取舍。
I really want to go back to work, 我真的想回去工作,
use my talents, 发挥我的才智,
and pursue my career in fashion design 追求我在时装设计方面的事情
like we always thought I would. 就像我们一向认定的那样。
But now ... 但是现在……
I want to be with Max as a full-time mother, 我又想和Max在一起做个全职的母亲,
especially when he's a baby. 特别是当他还是个婴儿的时候。
I really understand, Marilyn. 我真的能理解,Marilyn。
But you never have to worry about Max. 但你根本不用担心Max。
There's Mother and Grandpa ... 有妈妈和祖父呢……
and I can always arrange my photo schedule 而且我也能随时安排我的摄影工作
around your schedule, 配合你的时间表,
if that will help. 假如那样有所帮助的话。
It's not the same, Richard. 那是不一样的,Richard。
Have you discussed going back to work with your boss? 你已跟你的老板讨论过回去工作的事?
Rita Mae called yesterday. Rita Mae昨天打电话来了。
Ah! That's what's got you thinking, isn't it? 噢,就是那通电话使你开始思量起来的,是吗?
She wants to know 她想知道
when I think I'll be returning to the boutique. 我打算什么时候回去时装店工作。
And you said ... ? 那你怎么说的……?
I said I'd give her an answer in a few days ... 我说这几天给她回答……
that I wasn't sure. 我说我不能确定。
I'm sure Rita Mae will understand 我相信Rita Mae会理解
and wait until you're ready to go back to work. 而且会等你准备好了才回去工作。
Well, maybe she will, and maybe she won't. 嗯,也许她会,也许她不会。
Who knows? 谁知道?
If I don't accept her offer, 假如我不接受她这个工作机会,
maybe she'll find someone else in the meantime, 她也许会在这段时间找别的人,
and when I'm ready to go back, 而当我准备好要回去,
there won't be a job for me. 已经没有空缺了。
That's something to consider. 这是需要考虑的一点。
You've got yourself to think about, too. 你也得为自己着想。
But I am thinking about myself. 但我就是在为自己着想呀。
Don't you see? 你不知道吗?
What do you mean? 是什么意思?
It's not just the job. 不只是那项工作而已。
It's also my career as Max's mother. 当Max的母亲也是我的职业。
That's the way I look at it. 我就是这么看这件事的。
I have two career opportunities at the same time. 我同时有两个事业机会。
My career as a fashion designer 时装设计事业
and my career as a mother. 和担任Max母亲的事业。
I never really thought about being a mother as a career. 我真的从来没有想到做母亲还是一种事业。
I guess you do have two career opportunities 我想你的确是有两个事业机会
and a decision to make. 而且必须做一个抉择。
I hear Max. 我听到Max哭了。
I'll go to him. 我去。
No, that's OK. 不,没关系。
I'll do it. 我去。

I've been wrestling with the question of
whether I go back to work or not.
I'm wrestling with the question.
I can't make up my mind.
I'm in a fog. I'm up in the air.
I'm really in a bind.
I can't make my mind up.
I feel I'm split in two.
I'm pulled in two directions.
I don't know what to do.
I've got to get my act together.
I've got to get it all figured out.
I've got to get on the right track,
get rid of all the doubt.
I've got to straighten everything out.
I want to try something new.
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know what to do.
And I'm torn.
I really want to go back to work.
I'm really torn.
I'm all mixed up.
My future is unclear.
I'm pulled in two directions.
I'm practically in tears.
I'm of two minds about it.
I've got to think it all through.
I've got to find an answer,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I've got to get my act together.
I've got to get it all figured out.
I've got to get on the right track,
get rid of all the doubt.
I've got to straighten everything out.
And you know it's true,
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know ...



There's your teddy bear, Max. 这是你的玩具熊,Max。
He just loves that teddy bear 他就喜欢这个玩具熊
that Grandpa Philip bought for him. 祖父Philip给他买的。
I took him to Philip's office yesterday for a checkup. 我昨天带他到Philip的办公室去做检查。
You should have seen the look on his face 真该看看他脸上的表情
when Molly gave him the injection.  当Molly给他打针时。
Oh, did he cry? 噢,他哭了吗?
No. 没有。
My dear little boy just looked up at me as if to say, 我亲爱的小男孩只是仰头看着我好像在说
"Mama, what are they doing to me? Help!" “妈妈,他们在对我做什么?救命呀!”
How did you feel? 感觉怎么样?
Tell the truth. 告诉我实话。
Didn't you feel terrible? 没有感到可怕吗?
I sure did. 我的确有。
I held him closely. 我紧紧地抱着他。
I kissed the top of his dear little head. 我吻着他可爱的小头顶。
He looked up at me. 他仰头看我。
He tried to smile. 他设法要微笑。
Being with him helped. 和他在一起有帮助。
Helped him? 帮助他?
Or helped you? 还是帮助你?
Being a mother is not easy, 当一个母亲真不容易,
if that's what you mean. 是这个意思吧。
Speaking of being a mother, 谈到当母亲
I've been meaning to ask you 我一直想问
what you were thinking about regarding going back to work. 你是否打算回去工作。
I know Rita Mae called. 我知道Rita Mae打电话给你了。
I can imagine what is going through your head. 我能想像你的头脑正在考虑什么事。
I'm sure you can, Ellen. 说的没错,Ellen。
There are so many things to consider. 是有许多事情要考虑。
One thing that makes it easier for you 有一件事可以使做起决定来比较容易
is that you have us. 就是有我们帮忙。
Max will always have a family member to watch over him  家里总会有一个人照顾Max
while you're at work. 在你工作的时候。
I didn't have that when Richard and Susan were born. 在Richard和Susan出生时我可没有人帮忙。
What did you do? 那你怎么办呢?
I chose to continue with my career as a music teacher. 我选择继续我的音乐教师的事业。
We hired a woman to watch Richard and then Susan, 我们雇用一名女士来照顾Richard 后来又照顾Susan,
and I continued with my career. 而我则继续我的事业。
Do you think you made the right decision? 你认为你的决定正确吗?
I think I did. 我想是的。
But when Robbie was born, 但当Robbie出生后,
I decided to give full-time attention to raising Robbie. 我决定全力抚育他。
I felt differently at that time. 那时我的感觉又不一样了。
And you gave up your career as a music teacher? 那么你就放弃了音乐教师的事业?
Not exactly. 不完全。
I continued to teach piano lessons at home. 我继续在家教钢琴。
How did you feel about being away 对出外工作有何感想
when Susan and Richard were babies? 当Richard和Susan还很小时 ?
I think I did the right thing 我觉得我做了一件对的事
for them and for myself and for Philip. 为他们也为我自己和Philip。
We needed the money. 我们当时需要钱。
Remember? 记得吗?
Well, we do too, Ellen. 嗯,我们也需要,Ellen。
Everything I earn helps us towards getting that house 我的每一笔进帐都可帮助我们得到那幢房
we want and need. 我们盼望而且也需要的。
I can't wait till he's just a little older. 我迫不及待地希望他长大些。
Our toy company makes the most wonderful toys for kids. 我们玩具公司为小孩子们造最棒的玩具。
Max thanks you. Max,谢谢你。
I thank you. 我也感谢你。
And Richard thanks you. Richard也会感谢你。
Now may I please say hello? 现在我可以说声你好吗?
Hello. 你好。
Hello. 你好。
I miss Max and think about him all week long. 我想念Max一整个星期都在想他。
We talk about him at dinnertime. 我们吃晚餐时总谈起他。
Will you please try to relax? 能不能放轻松些?
I've never seen you so wound up. 我从来没有看过你如此紧张。
You seem to be enjoying the pressure. 看起来好像很乐于承受压力。
The truth is, I am. 事实上,我的确如此。
My job is not an easy one, 我的工作不轻,
but I really enjoy it. 但我确实乐在工作。
That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Susan. 这正是我想要跟你谈谈的,Susan 。
What's the problem? 什么问题啦?
Marilyn's career. Marilyn的事业。
Well, my choice of careers. 是的,我的事业抉择问题。
Choice? 抉择?
My career as a fashion designer 我以时装设计为事业
versus my career as a mother. 或是以当个母亲为事业。
Why does it have to be one or the other? 为什么非得有这个就没有那个?
That's what I said. 我也是这么说。
How's that? 那怎么成呢?
Why can't you do both? 为什么不能两样一起?
She's right. 她说得对。
Both? 一起?
Well, that's what I do. 是啊,我正是这么做的。
I have a job, and I have Michelle. 我有工作,我也有Michelle。
I take care of both to the best of my ability. 我尽我所能把两方面都照顾好。
It's not easy, but what is? 这不容易,但什么事又容易?
And that's what I did. 我也这样做的。
I did both with Richard and Susan, 有Richard和Susan时我这样,
and I did both with Robbie. 有Robbie时我也这样做的。
I thought you stayed home with Robbie? 我还以为你是跟Robbie呆在家里的?
I did. 是的。
But I was lucky enough to have a career as a music teacher 但我很幸运拥有一个音乐教师的事业
which I could continue at home. 可以在家中继续从事。
Why can't you work at home, Marilyn? 为什么不能在家中工作呢, Marilyn?
You're very talented. 你非常有才华。
Designing dresses is a career 设计时装是一种职业
you could establish out of your home, 可以在家中开创,
couldn't you? 不是吗?
I don't know why I didn't think of it. 我不知道为什么我没有想到这一点。
It seems so simple now. 现在事情显得很简单了。
For a year or two 在一两年内
I could stay at home with Max and do my dress designs. 我可以和Max呆在家里从事我的服装设计。
And you could make your dresses at home. 可以在家做衣服。
Sounds like a great way to solve the problem. 听起来好像是个解决问题的好办法。
That could solve your problem, Marilyn. 这样可以解决你的问题, Marilyn。
I'm going to call Rita Mae at home 我会打电话到Rita Mae家
and ask her to come by and talk about it. 请她过来谈谈这件事。
She wants to see Max, anyway. 毕竟她也想看Max。
I think that really answers your questions, Marilyn. 我觉得这确实解决了你的问题, Marilyn。
You can do it. 你可以这样做。
Do your designs at home--here. 在家里设计服装。
And let Rita Mae do the selling at the boutique. 而让Rita Mae在时装店负责销售。
And you can both benefit financially. 你们俩都获得金钱上的利益。
I'm going to call Rita Mae right now. 我现在就打电话给Rita Mae。
Oh, Susan, thank you so much 噢, Susan, 谢谢你。
for coming all this way from the city to talk to me about it. 从城里大老远赶来和我谈这件事。
I hope you don't mind 希望你不介意
having taken so much time away from your busy schedule. 我在你忙碌的生活中用了这么多时间。
Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?
I don't mind at all. 我一点也不介意。
As a matter of fact, 事实上,
I came to spend some time with my favorite nephew. 我来是为了和我心爱的侄儿相聚一些时间。
I think you should call Rita Mae right now. 我想你现在就打电话给Rita Mae。
I think your idea of working at home is perfect. 我觉得你在家里工作的主意太好了。
I don't know what I would do without you. 我真不知道没有你们我怎么办。
I'm lucky to have you all. 我真的觉得拥有你们很幸运。
We are lucky to have you, Marilyn. 拥有你是我们的幸运, Marilyn。
And so is Max. 也是Max的幸运。

Being a mother is not easy.
Being a mother is not easy.
It's not easy to be a mother.
Caring for a child takes a lot of time.
It takes a lot of time to care for a child.
But playing with a baby is so much fun.
It's so much fun.
It's so much fun to play with a baby.
And working at home would be wonderful.
It would be wonderful.
It would be wonderful to work at home.
I don't know what I would do without you.
I'm lucky to have you all.
It's great to be in this family.
It's great.
Being in this family is great.
It's always so easy for me to find someone who will listen.
It's always so easy for me.
Finding someone who will listen is always so easy for me.



Hi, big guy. 嗨,好小子。
That must be Rita Mae. 那一定是Rita Mae。
She sure got here quickly. 她来得真快。
That's a good sign. 这是个好兆头。
She must like you and your work, Marilyn. 她一定是喜欢你和你的工作,Marilyn。
I think she's just anxious to see Max. 我觉得她只是急着想看看Max。
She loves children. 她喜欢孩子。
Hi, Marilyn. 嗨, Marilyn。
Welcome. 欢迎。
It's so nice of you to come. 你能来真好。
Oh, I just wanted to see your baby, Max. 噢,我只是想看看你的宝贝,Max。
Hello, Rita Mae. 哈, Rita Mae。
I haven't seen you since the hospital. 自从医院相遇之后再也没有见到你。
I'm Ellen Stewart, Marilyn's mother-in-law. 我叫Ellen Stewart, Marilyn的婆婆。
We met at the hospital. 我们在医院见过。
Hello. 哈。
How are you? 好吗?
I remember. 我记起来啦。
How are you? 好吗?
Oh, and there is Max! 噢 ,Max在那儿!
Oh! My, how he's grown! 噢 !天啊 ,他长这么大 !
A little present for Max.    给Max的一件小礼物。
Oh, it's beautiful, Rita Mae! 噢,太漂亮了, Rita Mae !
You shouldn't have. 不该这样破费的。
It's nothing. 没什么。
It's just a little present for Max. 这仅仅是给Max的一件小礼物。
Can I get you some coffee or tea or a cold drink, Rita Mae? 要咖啡,茶或者冷饮吗,Rita Mae?
Oh, nothing, thank you. 噢,什么也不要, 谢谢你。
Well, I will leave you two to talk. 嗯,我走开你们谈谈吧。
Come on, you big guy. 过来, 你这个好小子。
Yes, come on. 是的, 过来。
That's it. 就这样。
It's nice seeing you. 非常高兴见到你。
Let me know if you need anything. 假如你需要什么就通知我。
Thanks, Ellen. 谢谢, Ellen。
Thanks, Ellen. 谢谢, Ellen。
OK, Marilyn. 好了, Marilyn。
You sounded like you've made a decision 你好像已经作了决定
when you called me. 当你打电话给我的时候。
I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭听。
I have made a decision, Rita Mae. 我已经做了决定,Rita Mae。
I've decided to stay at home and be a full-time mother. 我决定留在家里做一个专职母亲。
I'm disappointed, but I respect your decision. 我很失望, 但我尊重你的决定。
If I had a child as cute as Max, 假如我有一个像Max这样可爱的孩子,
I might do the same thing. 我也可能会做同样的决定。
But I haven't finished telling you 但我还没有对你说完
the other half of my decision. 我这个决定的另一半。
The other half? 另一半?
Yes. 是的。
I think I can stay at home 我觉得我可以呆在家里
and take care of Max and continue my career. 一面照顾孩子, 同时继续我的事业。
Sounds interesting. 听起来很有趣。
Let me hear it. 说给我听听。
Do you remember 你记得
our talks about custom-designed dresses for the boutique? 我们曾经谈过为时装店设计订制的服装?
I sure do. 我当然记得。
Why can't I design dresses for you here at home? 为什么我不能在家里为你设计服装呢?
And make them here. 在这儿缝制。
Have the fittings here, too. 也在这儿试穿。
And I could do the selling and the pricing at the boutique. 而我在时装店负责销售和标价。
Exactly. 就是这样。
Oh! 噢!
What kind of dresses would you design? 打算设计哪种服装?
I've thought about that for some time. 我已经想过一阵子了。
Yes? 真的?
Wedding dresses. 结婚礼服。
Brilliant idea! 这个主意真棒!
There's a big market today in wedding dresses. 结婚礼服在目前有很大的市场。
That's what I thought. 我也是这样想的。
I like the idea very much. 我很喜欢这个主意。
And if it's successful, 假如成功的话,
we can expand to all kinds of dresses. 我们可以扩展到所有种类的服装。
That's what I thought. 我也正这样想。
As a matter of fact, 事实上,
I have a customer for your first wedding dress. 我已经有了你的第一套结婚礼服的顾客。
My niece is getting married, 我侄女即将结婚,
and I've been trying to find just the right thing for her. 而我一直在为她找件合适的东西。
Marilyn, you're going to design my niece's dress. Marilyn,现在就靠你设计我侄女的结婚礼服。
That'll be our first one, 这将成为我们的第一件,
and then we'll use it to sell others. 然后我们再利用它来销售其他的顾客。
Do you really mean it? 说的可是当真?
I really mean it. 当然是真的。
It's a simple idea, and it will work. 这主意很简单,而且一定可行。
You can certainly design dresses. 你确实很能设计服装。
I know that. 我知道。
And there's no reason why you can't do it from your home. 而且也没有理由不可以在家里做事。
I'm so excited! 我好兴奋!
I can't wait to tell Richard! 我简直迫不及待想告诉Richard!
If I had a baby like Max, 假如我有一个像Max这样的宝贝,
I'd want to stay home and be near him all the time, too. 我也要整天都在他身边。
You're making the right decision 你做了一个正确的决定。
for Max and for yourself too, Marilyn. 为Max,也为你自己, Marilyn。
It all sounds so easy. 一切听起来竟是如此简单。
Now the hard work begins. 艰苦的工作现在开始了。
Would you like 你想不想
to see some of my designs that I've been working on? 看我正在设计的一些服装?
I'd love to. 我想看。
Ooh! Oh, that's wonderful! 噢!噢,太好了!
Ooh ... 噢……

You can certainly design dresses,
I know that.
And there's no reason why you can't do it from your home.
It's true.
I can design wedding dresses and continue my career.
And I can take care of Max right here at home.
She can do it right here at home.
I want to stay at home while Max is still a baby.
If I went back to work at the boutique now,
Max would be on my mind all of the time.
She would only think about Max.
But the truth is, I need to work.
Richard and I want to buy a house but we can't afford it.
Like most families we need two incomes
in order to afford a house someday.
With the yard and trees and a swing for Max.
More an more families have working mothers.
In the U.S., more than half of all mothers
with preschool children are working at a career.
Mothers like me.
They have to work and be a mother too.
And about three fourths of all mothers
with school age children are working.
In lots of families,
relatives like grandparents offer to take care of children
while the parents are working.
And some families bring their children to day-care centers
where other people take care of them.
They stay in day-care centers while their mothers work.
But for now Max will stay here and I will take care of him.
Marilyn and Max will both be at home.
Marilyn will work and Max won't be alone.
